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“The Wokeiad” Published on Free Speech Backlash

Richard Craven, an British-Canadian writer known for his formal verse and satirical literary fiction, is delighted to announce the publication of Bk1 of his heroic couplet mock epic, “The Wokeiad,” on Free Speech Backlash at

“The Wokeiad” is a satirical poem composed in heroic couplets, offering a critical perspective on contemporary sociocultural movements. The poem draws inspiration from classical works, notably Alexander Pope’s “The Dunciad,” and employs a blend of literary allusions and sharp wit chronicling the rise and fall of wokeness.

The poem has garnered significant attention and praise from readers:

"A novel way to start my day... a mind-stretching gallop through literary allusions... The coruscating savagery of your wit and its application to the subject is quite breathtaking."

"Priceless, absolutely top, what a talent, what a Godly gift, what a joy to pen a piece of this quality, an even bigger one to enjoy it... you are amongst the top layer of wordsmithing."

"Brilliant. Such a wonderful construct. An epic poem rivalling many a Nordic saga."

"Laugh-out-loud genius."

"This is an erudite satire—stuffed with an amazing number of topical and literary allusions. The echoes from Pope, Dryden and perhaps Milton gave me great pleasure."

Richard Craven was born in Canada and has spent most of his life in Southern England, currently residing in Bristol. With a background in analytical philosophy, he writes high-burlesque satirical literary fiction and formal verse, primarily in iambic pentameter. His works often critique sociocultural issues, and he is known for his zero-tolerance stance towards wokeness.

For more information on Richard Craven and his works, visit his Amazon author page:

About Free Speech Backlash

Free Speech Backlash is a platform dedicated to advocating for free speech and personal liberty. It provides a space for writers and thinkers to express diverse viewpoints and challenge prevailing cultural narratives.

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